Canine Companions and Littler Lead the Way

Man with service dog at restaurant counter
Man with service dog at restaurant counter
Accommodating requests from employees and customers to bring service animals into their workplaces or facilities has become increasingly complex for companies. Canine Companions and Littler are working together to address this issue and provide guidance for companies on managing service animal accommodation requests in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The issue is intensified by the rise in instances of people using fake vests to pass family pets off as service animals, which undermines the acceptance of legitimate service dogs and creates challenges for companies.

Check out this trailer for a quick overview of the video and see purchase details below.

Looking for more information on service dog accommodations and access?

Our joint 30-minute workplace training video is available at a special 10% discount for purchases made through this link using promo code DEALDOG10.

Even better, a significant portion of sales will benefit Canine Companions!

purchase the littler video button


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